Electric Autogyro
Types of Rotorcrafts
Construction of the Model Autogyro
The three blades were constructed from balsa wood. Though disorientation is a slight problem, it was quite easy to fly this model. The flight duration was approximately 12 minutes.
Before discussing the Autogyro, it is important to know what is meant by a rotocraft. A rotorcraft is a heavier-than-air flying machine that uses life generated by wings, which are called rotor blades that revolve around a mast. Rotor is refereed to several rotor blades mounted to a single mast. Rotorcraft may also include the use of static lifting surfaces, but the primary distinguishing feature being the lift provided by one or more rotors.
Types of Rotorcrafts
- Helicopter
- Autogyro
- Gyrodyne
- Tiltrotor
Autogyro is a type of a rotorcraft, which was invented by a spanish aeronautical enthusiast and engineer Juan de la Cierva in 1919. He made his first successful flight on 9th January 1923, at Cuatro Vientos Arfield in Madrid. Autogyro uses a rotor to develop lift in a similar way as helicopters. But the difference is that, though the helicopters rotor is rotated by an engine during normal flight, The rotor of an autogyro is driven by aerodynamic forces in autorotation. An engine-powered propeller, similar to that of a fixed-wing aircraft, provides thrust for the autogyro.
Construction of the Model Autogyro
This is a direct control Electric Gyro Plane, Powered by an AXI motor. A 12.6v 1500 mAh battery supplied the power to the engine. The Tail boom is made out from a carbon fiber tube.
The rotor pylon is costructed with balsa and cardboard.
The three blades were constructed from balsa wood. Though disorientation is a slight problem, it was quite easy to fly this model. The flight duration was approximately 12 minutes.
Video of the Flight
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